A free newsletter for ministry starters, quitters, and fence-sitters.


Listen, there’s no “I gotcha” in this newsletter. It’s simply two former pastors sharing stories about battle wounds, recovery, and how we became “healthy” again. Our goal is simple: to help soon-to-be, current, or former pastors become as healthy as possible while thriving in their current season of life.

According to Barna, nearly 1 in 5 Protestant senior pastors in the U.S. say they have contemplated self-harm or suicide within the past year.

The idea that 1 in 5 pastors would consider self-harm blew our minds, but ultimately, it wasn’t surprising. Unfortunately, we know all too well the “dark side” of ministry. It’s the reason why we started Ministry Quitters; to help soon-to-be, current, or former pastors become as healthy as possible while thriving in their current season of life.

Here’s our promise:

  1. You’re going to laugh (A LOT)
  2. You’re going to be frustrated (EVEN MORE)
  3. You might even throw your computer out the window (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE APPLECARE+)

Regardless, you’re going to love this newsletter!


So, why would you trust or care what this newsletter has to say? Let’s keep it 100; Nick and Scott are not looking to “deconstruct” anyone’s faith. And yes, they have experience in ministry; a lot of experience. In fact, they attribute a lot of their business success to their ministry experience. Nick and Scott have over 25 years of ministry experience between them. Their experiences range from children and youth to lead and creative pastor roles. They’ve worked in churches ranging from 150 to 2000 people. But, both of them walked away from full-time vocational ministry to pursue careers in business.

Nick is an accomplished musician and businessman. He’s a tortured artist who enjoys writing songs, teaching/training, comedy, and using 90s references to confuse most Gen. Z’ers. Nick and his wife Tamra live in Washington State with their two children.

Scott tries his best to exude confidence in the face of crippling imposter syndrome. Honestly, it’s one of his most endearing qualities. He’s a writer, over-analyzer, neurotic reader, and charming provocateur. Scott and his wife Ashliegh live in Tennessee with their two children


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